Bajaj (2.5 ltr)Electric kettle

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$ 13.90 / (৳1390) /piece
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House No #19, Road No #5, Kaderabad Housing, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
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Introducing the Bajaj Electric Kettle MJK-18T, a state-of-the-art water kettle designed to elevate your beverage preparation experience. This high-quality product from the trusted brand Bajaj combines innovation and efficiency to make boiling water a breeze.

Product Type: Water Kettle

Brand: Bajaj

Water Capacity: 2.7 Liters

Power Capacity: 1500 Watts

Voltage: 220-240V

Lid Capacity: Safety Locking Lid

Off System: Auto off System

Base Swivel: 360-degree Auto

Key Features:

Generous Water Capacity:

With a capacious 2.7-liter water tank, this electric kettle is ideal for preparing large quantities of hot water, perfect for hosting gatherings or quickly boiling water for various purposes.

Powerful Performance:

Boasting a robust 1500-watt heating element, the Bajaj MJK-18T ensures swift and efficient boiling, saving you valuable time in your daily routine.

Versatile Voltage Range:

Designed to operate seamlessly on voltages ranging from 220 to 240 volts, this electric kettle is versatile and suitable for various power supply configurations.

Safety Locking Lid:

The safety locking lid feature adds an extra layer of security, preventing accidental spills and ensuring a safe user experience.

Auto Off System:

Equipped with an intelligent auto-off system, the kettle automatically shuts off when the water reaches the boiling point. This not only enhances safety but also conserves energy.

360-degree Auto Swivel Base:

The base of the kettle features a 360-degree auto-swivel design, allowing for easy handling and convenient placement on the heating element.

Whether you're a tea enthusiast, a coffee lover, or simply need hot water for various culinary purposes, the Bajaj Electric Kettle MJK-18T is a reliable and efficient companion. Elevate your kitchen experience with this cutting-edge appliance that combines style, functionality, and safety in one sleek package. Order yours now and enjoy the convenience of hassle-free hot water at your fingertips.

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